The ethical intelligence company We deliver advertising results while doing Good.

The advertising network that delivers Good Outcomes:

Increased campaign performance.
Reduced impact on the planet.

What is the GoodNet?

An ethical intelligence company that delivers advertising and ESG results.

Our mission is to help brands achieve their digital ad campaign results while doing Good.

We define Good as making the world Greener, Healthier and Fairer – in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Brands want to do more Good – achieving sustainability and DEI goals with their media spend as well as driving business performance.

But measuring Good is often subjective. So, we have taken a data driven approach.

Our proprietary Good IQ intelligence tool uses a wide array of data points from a range of sources to provide the most holistic and robust measurement of ethical media in the industry.

Good IQ’s custom algorithm powers everything we do at The GoodNet. We use it to plan, optimise and measure campaigns towards advertising and ESG goals.

We believe advertising can do Good in the world.

Why? Because advertising and marketing are uniquely placed to influence the choices of millions of people for the better.

We enable brands to reach a scaled audience of ethical consumers through a network of publishers whose content focuses helping people living greener, healthier and fairer lives.

Helping ethical brands grow whilst reducing their impact on the planet.

Helping sustainability media grow by working with like-minded, high-quality brands.

Brands work with us in two ways.

1. We provide Good IQ as an intelligence service to brands and agencies, enabling them to plan and measure ethical media across all their digital ad investment.

2. We use Good IQ to create and manage our GoodIQ Marketplace – a video and display marketplace where brands can access ethical audiences and ethical media.

The Goodnet aims to drive positive consumer change by helping brands…..
Our GoodIQ platform helps brands measure the performance, society and planet impact of their advertising campaigns.